Study the Bible with the foremost theologians of the Adventist church and re-focus on the fundamental truths particularly in the end times.
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Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Click to watch Seminars from Wednesday May 19, 2021
Teofilo Correa, PhD
Professor Old Testament, Theological-Historical Studies, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies
Dealing with Biblical Exegesis: Take Your Bible Reading to the Next Level
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 21:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 15:00
Americas (EDT) 9:00
Marcos Faiock Bomfim, MA, PhD Candidate, Director Stewardship Ministries, General Conference
Nurture and Heart Retention
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 3:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 21:00
Americas (EDT) 15:00
Ty Gibson
Director/Speaker Light Bearers, Pastor of Storyline Adventist Church
The Heavenly Trio
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 4:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 22:00
Americas (EDT) 16:00
Roberto Badenas
Pastor, Author
Memorable Encounters
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 5:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 23:00
Americas (EDT) 17:00
John Peckham, PhD
Professor Theology and Christian Philosophy, Andrews University Seminary
God’s Love and Foreknowledge
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 8:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 2:00
Americas (EDT) 20:00
Michael Younker, PhD Educational/Historical Research Specialist, ASTR
A History of Extraordinary Circumstances
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 9:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 3:00
Americas (EDT) 21:00
Ty Gibson
Director/Speaker Light Bearers, Pastor of Storyline Adventist Church
The Sonship of Christ
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 11:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 5:00
Americas (EDT) 23:00
Track Number | Speaker | Seminar Title Times by Region |
Theology 1.01 | TBD Asia-Pacific (HKT) 20:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 14:00 Americas (EDT) 8:00 | |
Theology 1.02 | Teofilo Correa, PhD Professor Old Testament, Theological-Historical Studies, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies | Dealing with Biblical Exegesis: Take Your Bible Reading to the Next Level Asia-Pacific (HKT) 21:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 15:00 Americas (EDT) 9:00 |
Theology 1.03 | John Bradshaw President/Speaker It Is Written | TBD Asia-Pacific (HKT) 22:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 16:00 Americas (EDT) 10:00 |
Theology 1.04 | TBD Asia-Pacific (HKT) 23:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 17:00 Americas (EDT) 11:00 | |
Theology 1.05 | Richard Davidson, PhD Professor Old Testament Interpretation, Andrews University Seminary | Relevance of our Sanctuary Message Asia-Pacific (HKT) 2:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 20:00 Americas (EDT) 14:00 |
Theology 1.06 | Marcos Faiock Bomfim, MA, PhD Candidate, Director Stewardship Ministries, General Conference | Nurture and Heart Retention Asia-Pacific (HKT) 3:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 21:00 Americas (EDT) 15:00 |
Theology 1.07 | Ty Gibson Director/Speaker Light Bearers, Pastor of Storyline Adventist Church | The Heavenly Trio Asia-Pacific (HKT) 4:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 22:00 Americas (EDT) 16:00 |
Theology 1.08 | Roberto Badenas Pastor, Author | Memorable Encounters Asia-Pacific (HKT) 5:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 23:00 Americas (EDT) 17:00 |
Theology 1.09 | John Peckham, PhD Professor Theology and Christian Philosophy, Andrews University Seminary | God’s Love and Foreknowledge Asia-Pacific (HKT) 8:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 2:00 Americas (EDT) 20:00 |
Theology 1.10 | Michael Younker, PhD Educational/Historical Research Specialist, ASTR | A History of Extraordinary Circumstances Asia-Pacific (HKT) 9:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 3:00 Americas (EDT) 21:00 |
Theology 1.11 | TBD | Asia-Pacific (HKT) 10:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 4:00 Americas (EDT) 22:00 |
Theology 1.12 | Ty Gibson Director/Speaker Light Bearers, Pastor of Storyline Adventist Church | The Sonship of Christ Asia-Pacific (HKT) 11:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 5:00 Americas (EDT) 23:00 |
Thursday, May 20, 2021
Remwil Tornalejo, DTheol
Associate Professor Systematic Theology, AIIAS
The Biblical Understanding of Sin
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 15:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 9:00
Americas (EDT) 3:00
Ron Clouzet, DMin
Ministerial Association Secretary, NSD
Leadership Lessons from Moses
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 17:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 11:00
Americas (EDT) 5:00
Eike Mueller, PhD
Assistant Dean Associate Professor of New Testament, AIIAS Seminary
The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Authority
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 21:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 15:00
Americas (EDT) 9:00
Shelley Quinn
Program Development Manager, 3ABN
Guarding Grace, Part 1
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 22:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 16:00
Americas (EDT) 10:00
Ryan Day
Speaker/Singer, 3ABN Pastoral Department
Remnant, Mission & Focus, Part 1
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 23:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 17:00
Americas (EDT) 11:00
John Lomacang
Director World Evangelism, 3ABN
The Final Coalition, Part 1
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 3:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 21:00
Americas (EDT) 15:00
Ronny Nalin, PhD
Director Earth Sciences, Geoscience Research Institute
The Problem of Evil: Book Launch
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 4:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 22:00
Americas (EDT) 16:00
Frank Hasel, PhD
Associate Director Biblical Research Institute, General Conference
Biblical Hermeneutics: Why we need it and other reasons why it is important
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 5:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 23:00
Americas (EDT) 17:00
Dwain Esmond, MA
Associate Director, Ellen G. White Estate
Jesus: Name Above All Names: A Round-table Discussion on Ellen White’s Passion for Jesus
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 7:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 1:00
Americas (EDT) 19:00
John Bradshaw
President/Speaker, It Is Written
Clifford Goldstein, MA
Editor, Adult Bible Study Guide, General Conference
Why I Recommend ‘The Great Controversy’
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 8:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 2:00
Americas (EDT) 20:00
Ryan Day
Speaker/Singer, 3ABN Pastoral Department
Remnant, Mission & Focus, Part 2
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 9:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 3:00
Americas (EDT) 21:00
Steven Grabiner, ThD
President Outpost Centers International
God’s Wrath and Revelation
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 11:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 5:00
Americas (EDT) 23:00
Track Number | Speaker | Seminar Title Times by Region |
Theology 1.13 | TBD | TBD Asia-Pacific (HKT) 13:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 7:00 Americas (EDT) 1:00 |
Theology 1.14 | John Reeve, PhD Director PhD (Religion) and ThD Programs, Assistant Professor Church History, Andrews University Seminary | Prevenient Grace Asia-Pacific (HKT) 14:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 8:00 Americas (EDT) 2:00 |
Theology 1.15 | Remwil Tornalejo, DTheol Associate Professor Systematic Theology, AIIAS | The Biblical Understanding of Sin Asia-Pacific (HKT) 15:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 9:00 Americas (EDT) 3:00 |
Theology 1.16 | TBD | Asia-Pacific (HKT) 16:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 10:00 Americas (EDT) 4:00 |
Theology 1.17 | Ron Clouzet, DMin Ministerial Association Secretary, NSD | Leadership Lessons from Moses Asia-Pacific (HKT) 17:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 11:00 Americas (EDT) 5:00 |
Theology 1.18 | Ante Jeroncic, PhD Chair, Department of Christian Ministry, Professor Ethics and Theology, Andrews University Seminary | Ethics of our Decisions and Current Events Asia-Pacific (HKT) 20:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 14:00 Americas (EDT) 8:00 |
Theology 1.19 | Eike Mueller, PhD Assistant Dean Associate Professor of New Testament, AIIAS Seminary | The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Authority Asia-Pacific (HKT) 21:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 15:00 Americas (EDT) 9:00 |
Theology 1.20 | Shelley Quinn Program Development Manager, 3ABN | Guarding Grace, Part 1 Asia-Pacific (HKT) 22:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 16:00 Americas (EDT) 10:00 |
Theology 1.21 | Ryan Day Speaker/Singer, 3ABN Pastoral Department | Remnant, Mission & Focus, Part 1 Asia-Pacific (HKT) 23:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 17:00 Americas (EDT) 11:00 |
Theology 1.22 | Larry Lichtenwalter, PhD President & Professor, Middle East University | The Power of an Indestructible Life [draw from Hebrews 7:23-8:2 about Christ High Priest Ministry] Asia-Pacific (HKT) 1:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 19:00 Americas (EDT) 13:00 |
Theology 1.23 | Tim Roosenberg, MDiv Author/Speaker Islam & Christianity | Times of Daniel 11 & 12 (1290 & 1395) Asia-Pacific (HKT) 2:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 20:00 Americas (EDT) 14:00 |
Theology 1.24 | John Lomacang Director World Evangelism, 3ABN | The Final Coalition, Part 1 Asia-Pacific (HKT) 3:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 21:00 Americas (EDT) 15:00 |
Theology 1.25 | Ronny Nalin, PhD Director Earth Sciences, Geoscience Research Institute | The Problem of Evil: Book Launch Asia-Pacific (HKT) 4:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 22:00 Americas (EDT) 16:00 |
Theology 1.26 | Frank Hasel, PhD Associate Director Biblical Research Institute, General Conference | Biblical Hermeneutics: Why we need it and other reasons why it is important Asia-Pacific (HKT) 5:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 23:00 Americas (EDT) 17:00 |
Theology 1.27 | Dwain Esmond, MA Associate Director, Ellen G. White Estate | Jesus: Name Above All Names: A Round-table Discussion on Ellen White’s Passion for Jesus Asia-Pacific (HKT) 7:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 1:00 Americas (EDT) 19:00 |
Theology 1.28 | John Bradshaw President/Speaker, It Is Written Clifford Goldstein, MA Editor, Adult Bible Study Guide, General Conference | Why I Recommend ‘The Great Controversy’ Asia-Pacific (HKT) 8:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 2:00 Americas (EDT) 20:00 |
Theology 1.29 | Ryan Day Speaker/Singer, 3ABN Pastoral Department | Remnant, Mission & Focus, Part 2 Asia-Pacific (HKT) 9:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 3:00 Americas (EDT) 21:00 |
Theology 1.30 | Katrina Blue, PhD Associate Professor Theology and Christian Spirituality, Pacific Union College | E. G. White and her Contemporaries Asia-Pacific (HKT) 10:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 4:00 Americas (EDT) 22:00 |
Theology 1.31 | Steven Grabiner, ThD President Outpost Centers International | God’s Wrath and Revelation Asia-Pacific (HKT) 11:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 5:00 Americas (EDT) 23:00 |
Friday, May 21, 2021
Hector Martin, PhD
Associate Professor of New Testament AIIAS
Connecting Prepositions in the Greek New Testament
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 13:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 7:00 Americas (EDT) 1:00
Ty Gibson
Director/Speaker Light Bearers, Pastor of Storyline Adventist Church
The Sonship of Christ (Repeat)
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 14:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 8:00 Americas (EDT) 2:00
Carlos Mora, ThD
Department Chair Biblical Studies, Professor of Old Testament, AIIAS
The Chronology of the Books of Joshua and Judges
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 15:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 9:00 Americas (EDT) 3:00
Eike Mueller, PhD
Assistant Dean, Associate Professor of New Testament AIIAS Seminary
How to Enhance Personal Bible Study With Bible Study Software
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 17:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 11:00 Americas (EDT) 5:00
Shelley Quinn
Program Development Manager, 3ABN
Guarding Grace, Part 2
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 21:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 15:00 Americas (EDT) 9:00
Steven Grabiner, ThD
President, Outpost Centers International
Coaching as Pastoral Care
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 23:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 17:00 Americas (EDT) 11:00
Elie Henry, PhD
President of Inter-America Division
Psaume 1 et la Croissance Spirituelle
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 2:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 20:00 Americas (EDT) 14:00
Cedric Vine, PhD
Director MA (Religion) Program and Seminary Affiliations and Extensions, Associate Professor New Testament, Andrews University Seminary
Resurrection Message for Today
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 4:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 22:00 Americas (EDT) 16:00
John Lomacang
Director World Evangelism, Speaker, 3ABN
The Final Coalition, Part 2
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 5:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 23:00 Americas (EDT) 17:00
Track Number | Speaker | Seminar Title Times by Region |
Theology 1.32 | Hector Martin, PhD Associate Professor of New Testament AIIAS | Connecting Prepositions in the Greek New Testament Asia-Pacific (HKT) 13:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 7:00 Americas (EDT) 1:00 |
Theology 1.33 | Ty Gibson Director/Speaker Light Bearers, Pastor of Storyline Adventist Church | The Sonship of Christ (Repeat) Asia-Pacific (HKT) 14:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 8:00 Americas (EDT) 2:00 |
Theology 1.34 | Carlos Mora, ThD Department Chair Biblical Studies, Professor of Old Testament, AIIAS | The Chronology of the Books of Joshua and Judges Asia-Pacific (HKT) 15:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 9:00 Americas (EDT) 3:00 |
Theology 1.35 | Andrew Tompkins, PhD Assistant Professor Mission and Intercultural Theology, Andrews University Seminary | Adventist Mission for Hindus Asia-Pacific (HKT) 16:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 10:00 Americas (EDT) 4:00 |
Theology 1.36 | Eike Mueller, PhD Assistant Dean, Associate Professor of New Testament AIIAS Seminary | How to Enhance Personal Bible Study With Bible Study Software Asia-Pacific (HKT) 17:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 11:00 Americas (EDT) 5:00 |
Theology 1.37 | Shelley Quinn Program Development Manager, 3ABN | Guarding Grace, Part 2 Asia-Pacific (HKT) 21:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 15:00 Americas (EDT) 9:00 |
Theology 1.38 | David Sedlacek, PhD Chair, Department of Discipleship and Religious Education, Director MA in Youth and Young Adult Ministry, Professor Family Ministry and Discipleship, Andrews University Seminary | Steps to Christ and the 12 Steps to Recovery Asia-Pacific (HKT) 22:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 16:00 Americas (EDT) 10:00 |
Theology 1.39 | Steven Grabiner, ThD President, Outpost Centers International | Coaching as Pastoral Care Asia-Pacific (HKT) 23:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 17:00 Americas (EDT) 11:00 |
Theology 1.40 | Elie Henry, PhD President of Inter-America Division | Psaume 1 et la Croissance Spirituelle Asia-Pacific (HKT) 2:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 20:00 Americas (EDT) 14:00 |
Theology 1.41 | Michael Campbell, PhD Professor Department of Religion, Southwestern Adventist University | Luther and Adventism Asia-Pacific (HKT) 3:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 21:00 Americas (EDT) 15:00 |
Theology 1.42 | Cedric Vine, PhD Director MA (Religion) Program and Seminary Affiliations and Extensions, Associate Professor New Testament, Andrews University Seminary | Resurrection Message for Today Asia-Pacific (HKT) 4:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 22:00 Americas (EDT) 16:00 |
Theology 1.43 | John Lomacang Director World Evangelism, Speaker, 3ABN | The Final Coalition, Part 2 Asia-Pacific (HKT) 5:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 23:00 Americas (EDT) 17:00 |
Theology 1.44 | Randy Siebold, PhD Associate Professor of Leadership, Director of the Doctor of Leadership program, Associate Director of the Global Leadership Institute, Andrews University. | Leadership Principles of the Bible: Finding God’s Way for Leaders Asia-Pacific (HKT) 6:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 24:00 Americas (EDT) 18:00 |
Saturday, May 22, 2021
Felix Cortez, PhD
Associate Professor New Testament Literature, Andrews University Seminary
Message of the Epistle of Hebrew
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 1:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 19:00 Americas (EDT) 13:00
Ruben Pereria
Lawyer, Director of Missionary School Instituto Biblico Centroamericano, VIDA International
Las Enfermedades de los egipcios estan entre nosotros
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 2:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 20:00 Americas (EDT) 14:00
Dinorah Rivera
Director, Children’s Ministries, Inter-American Division
Women by Women (Spanish)
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 3:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 21:00 Americas (EDT) 15:00
Hiram Ruiz, DMin
Director del Ministerio de Jovenes Universitarios Division
Young Adults (Spanish)
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 6:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 24:00 Americas (EDT) 18:00
Melchor Ferreyra
Director, Sabbath School and Personal Ministries, Inter-American Division
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 7:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 1:00 Americas (EDT) 19:00
Track Number | Speaker | Seminar Title Times by Region |
Theology 1.48 | Randy Younker, PhD Director, PhD (Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology) Program, Director Institute of Archaeology, Professor of Archaeology and History of Antiquity, Andrews University Seminary | Trustworthiness of the Bible; Importance of Archeology Asia-Pacific (HKT) 19:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 13:00 Americas (EDT) 7:00 |
Theology 1.49 | Ganoune Diop, PhD Director Public Affairs and religious Liberty, General Conference | TBD Asia-Pacific (HKT) 20:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 14:00 Americas (EDT) 8:00 |
Theology 1.50 | Belkis Archbold IAD Health Ministries Director | Health Ministries Asia-Pacific (HKT) 21:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 15:00 Americas (EDT) 9:00 |
Sabbath School | Spanish Translation | |
Divine Worship program by IAD in Spanish | ||
Ted Wilson, PhD President General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists | Sermon: Spanish Translation | |
Theology 1.51 | Felix Cortez, PhD Associate Professor New Testament Literature, Andrews University Seminary | Message of the Epistle of Hebrew Asia-Pacific (HKT) 1:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 19:00 Americas (EDT) 13:00 |
Theology 1.52 | Ruben Pereria Lawyer, Director of Missionary School Instituto Biblico Centroamericano, VIDA International | Las Enfermedades de los egipcios estan entre nosotros Asia-Pacific (HKT) 2:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 20:00 Americas (EDT) 14:00 |
Theology 1.53 | Dinorah Rivera Director, Children’s Ministries, Inter-American Division | Women by Women (Spanish) Asia-Pacific (HKT) 3:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 21:00 Americas (EDT) 15:00 |
Keynote | Barry Black, PhD, DMin Chaplain: United State Senate | Spanish Translation Asia-Pacific (HKT) 4:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 22:00 Americas (EDT) 16:00 |
Keynote | Ella Simmons, PhD General Vice President, General Conference Jennifer Woods, JD, MPH Associate General Council, General Conference | Spanish Translation Asia-Pacific (HKT) 5:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 23:00 Americas (EDT) 17:00 |
Theology 1.54 | Hiram Ruiz, DMin Director del Ministerio de Jovenes Universitarios Division | Young Adults (Spanish) Asia-Pacific (HKT) 6:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 24:00 Americas (EDT) 18:00 |
Theology 1.55 | Melchor Ferreyra Director, Sabbath School and Personal Ministries, Inter-American Division | Discipleship Asia-Pacific (HKT) 7:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 1:00 Americas (EDT) 19:00 |