Main Stage

The Main Stage features the Keynote presentations and many world renown speakers or experts in their field. The sessions are organized in topics focusing on key current issues.

The Main Stage presentations kick off the Global Campmeeting with the Opening Ceremonies featuring a conversation by Elder Ted Wilson and all of the division presidents. Followed by round table discussion in our seminar tracks by expert panels discussing key issues.

Wednesday May 19

Opening Dialog with Division and Union Presidents
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 18:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 12:00 Americas (EDT) 6:00AM
Ted Wilson, PhD, President General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Glenn Townend, MDiv, President South Pacific Division
Saw Samuel, DMin, President Southern Asia_Pacific Division
Kim SiYoung, DMin, President North-Asia Pacific Region
Ezras Lakra, MA, President Southern Asia Division
Bob Folkenberg, Jr., Dmin, President Chinese Union

Mission Challenges and Opportunities in the Asia-Pacific and 10/40 Window
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 20:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 14:00 Americas (EDT) 8:00
Cristian Dumitrescu, PhD 
AIIAS: Professor of Intercultural Studies, Missiology, and Research 

Understanding the South Asian World Religions
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 21:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 15:00 Americas (EDT) 9:00
Umesh Nag, MA 
Associate Director for Center of South Asian Religions and Global Mission director of the Southern Asian Division. 

Global Chinese Missions
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 22:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 16:00 Americas (EDT) 10:00
Gus Portes, MA 
Doctor of Missiology, Candidate (Andrews University) 

I Will Go
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 23:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 17:00 Americas (EDT) 11:00
Richard Sabuin, PhD 
Executive Secretary, Northern Asia-Pacific Division

Opening Dialog with Division Presidents
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 24:00.  Euro-Africa (CEST) 18:00 Americas (EDT) 12:00
Ted Wilson, PhD, President General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Michael Kaminsky, President Euro-Asian Division
Mario Brito, President Inter-European Division
Blasius Ruguri, DMin, President East-Central Africa Division
Solomon Maphosa, DMin, President Southern Africa_Indian Ocean Division
Raafat Kamal, President Trans-European Division
Elie Weick, PhD, DMin, CFLE, President West Central Africa Division
Rick McEdward, DIS, MDiv, President Middle East & North Africa Union

Step into the impossible: God still moves in the Middle East and North Africa
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 2:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 20:00 Americas (EDT) 14:00
Rick McEdward, DIS, MDiv 
President, Middle East and North Africa Union Mission 

Culturally Sensitive Leadership in a Culturally Complex World
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 3:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 21:00 Americas (EDT) 15:00
Erich Baumgartner, PhD 
Professor of Leadership and Intercultural Communication  Andrews University 

Opening Dialog with Division Presidents
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 6:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 24:00 Americas (EDT) 18:00
Ted Wilson, PhD, President General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists   
Alex Bryant, DMin
, President North American Division
Eli Henry, DMin, President Inter-America Division
Stanley Arco, President, South American Division

Church and University Collaboration for Evangelism
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 9:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 3:00 Americas (EDT) 21:00
Carlton Byrd, DMin 
Breath of Life 

How Shall We Go?
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 11:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 5:00 Americas (EDT) 23:00
Derek Morris, DMin 
Director: Hope Channel International Inc. 

Topic &
Track Number

Speaker, Seminar Title, Time by Region
Opening Ceremonies
Opening Dialog with Division and Union Presidents
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 18:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 12:00 Americas (EDT) 6:00AM
Ted Wilson, PhD, President General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Glenn Townend, MDiv, President South Pacific Division
Saw Samuel, DMin, President Southern Asia_Pacific Division
Kim SiYoung, DMin, President North-Asia Pacific Region
Ezras Lakra, MA, President Southern Asia Division
Bob Folkenberg, Jr., Dmin, President Chinese Union
Opening Round Table DiscussionDiscussion with Divisions’ Expert Panels    
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 19:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 13:00 Americas (EDT) 7:00AM
(See Seminar Tracks for Details) 
Main 1.03
Mission Challenges and Opportunities in the Asia-Pacific and 10/40 Window
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 20:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 14:00 Americas (EDT) 8:00
Cristian Dumitrescu, PhD 
AIIAS: Professor of Intercultural Studies, Missiology, and Research 
Main 1.04
Understanding the South Asian World Religions
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 21:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 15:00 Americas (EDT) 9:00
Umesh Nag, MA 
Associate Director for Center of South Asian Religions and Global Mission director of the Southern Asian Division. 
Main 1.05
Global Chinese Missions
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 22:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 16:00 Americas (EDT) 10:00
Gus Portes, MA 
Doctor of Missiology, Candidate (Andrews University) 
Main 1.06
I Will Go
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 23:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 17:00 Americas (EDT) 11:00
Richard Sabuin, PhD 
Executive Secretary, Northern Asia-Pacific Division
Opening Ceremonies
Main 1.07
Opening Dialog with Division Presidents
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 24:00.  Euro-Africa (CEST) 18:00 Americas (EDT) 12:00
Ted Wilson, PhD, President General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Michael Kaminsky, President Euro-Asian Division
Mario Brito, President Inter-European Division
Blasius Ruguri, DMin, President East-Central Africa Division
Solomon Maphosa, DMin, President Southern Africa_Indian Ocean Division
Raafat Kamal, President Trans-European Division
Elie Weick, PhD, DMin, CFLE, President West Central Africa Division
Rick McEdward, DIS, MDiv, President Middle East & North Africa Union
Opening Round Tables
Main 1.08
Discussion with Divisions’ Expert Panels
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 1:00  Euro-Africa (CEST) 19:00 Americas (EDT) 13:00
(See Seminar Tracks for Details)
Main 1.09
Step into the impossible: God still moves in the Middle East and North Africa
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 2:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 20:00 Americas (EDT) 14:00
Rick McEdward, DIS, MDiv 
President, Middle East and North Africa Union Mission 
Main 1.10
Culturally Sensitive Leadership in a Culturally Complex World
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 3:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 21:00 Americas (EDT) 15:00
Erich Baumgartner, PhD 
Professor of Leadership and Intercultural Communication  Andrews University 
Main 1.11
What do Adventists have to offer to Muslims
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 4:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 22:00 Americas (EDT) 16:00
Petras Bahadur, DMin
Global Center for Adventist Muslim Relations, Director 
Main 1.12
Understanding and Addressing Worldview in Missions
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 5:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 23:00 Americas (EDT) 17:00
Greg and Amy Whitsett 
Director, Global Mission Center for East Asian Religions
Opening Ceremonies AmericasOpening Dialog with Division Presidents
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 6:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 24:00 Americas (EDT) 18:00
Ted Wilson, PhD, President General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists   
Alex Bryant, DMin
, President North American Division
Eli Henry, DMin, President Inter-America Division
Stanley Arco, President, South American Division
Opening Round TablesDiscussion with Divisions’ Expert Panels
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 7:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 1:00 Americas (EDT) 19:00
(See Seminar Tracks for Details)     
Media Ministry
Main 1.15
Culture Wars
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 8:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 2:00 Americas (EDT) 20:00
John Bradshaw 
President, It Is Written 
Media Ministry
Main 1.16
Church and University Collaboration for Evangelism
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 9:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 3:00 Americas (EDT) 21:00
Carlton Byrd, DMin 
Breath of Life 
Media Ministry
Main 1.17
Operation Gen Z
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 10:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 4:00 Americas (EDT) 22:00
Ryan Day 
3ABN Pastoral Department 
Media Ministry
Main 1.18
How Shall We Go?
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 11:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 5:00 Americas (EDT) 23:00
Derek Morris, DMin 
Director: Hope Channel International Inc. 

Thursday May 20, 2021

By Many or By Few
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 12:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 6:00 Americas (EDT) 24:00
Bob Folkenberg, Jr., Dmin 
President, Chinese Union Mission

Triune God in the Writings of Ellen G. White
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 13:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 7:00 Americas (EDT) 1:00
Donny Chrissutianto, PhD 
AIIAS: Assistant Professor of Historical Studies 

Cleansing the Sanctuary and Christian Growth
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 19:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 13:00 Americas (EDT) 7:00
Dr. Samuel Wang, DMiss
Southern Asia-Pacific Division Interfaith Service Director for Chinese, Buddhists and Hindus, DMiss. 

Vaccines: Sound in Science and Doctrine
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 24:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 18:00 Americas (EDT) 12:00
David Williams, PhD, MPH
Chair, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health 

Covid-19: Facts and Fiction
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 2:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 20:00 Americas (EDT) 14:00
Roger Seheult, MD Loma Linda University Health
ICU Physician, Founder MedCram 

Covid-19: Facts and Fiction
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 2:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 20:00 Americas (EDT) 14:00
Roger Seheult, MD Loma Linda University Health
ICU Physician, Founder MedCram 

COVID-19 Vaccines – Development and Deployment
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 3:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 21:00 Americas (EDT) 15:00
Wilbur Chen, MD, MS, FACP, FISDA
Professor of Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine
Chief, Adult Clinical Studies section
Center for Vaccine Development and Global Health (CVD)
Director, UMB Travel Medicine Practice

Epidemics and how to boost your immune system
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 4:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 22:00 Americas (EDT) 16:00
Jorge Pamplona, MD
Board-certified general and digestive surgeon, and a specialist in health education.

Living Wisely Beyond the Pandemic
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 5:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 23:00 Americas (EDT) 17:00
Peter Landless M.B., BCH., M.MED., FCP (SA), FACC, FASNC
Director Health Ministries GC, ICPA Executive Director

Legalism versus Grace
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 6:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 24:00 Americas (EDT) 18:00
Jill Morikone 
3ABN Vice President / COO 

Creation Changes Everything
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 7:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 1:00 Americas (EDT) 19:00
Timothy Standish, PhD
GRI Staff, PhDEnvironmental Biology and Public Policy 

Origin of the Universe
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 8:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 2:00 Americas (EDT) 20:00
Alexey Popov, PhD
GRI Staff,  

Nature and the Power of God
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 9:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 3:00 Americas (EDT) 21:00
Ben Clausen, PhD
GRI Staff, PhD Physics 

Is the Earth Special?
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 10:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 4:00 Americas (EDT) 22:00
Ronny Nalin, PhD

Director GRI, PhD Earth Science 

How Natural is Natural Selection
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 11:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 5:00 Americas (EDT) 23:00
Noemi Duran, PhD
GRI Europe, PhD Biology 

Topic &
Track Number
Speaker, Seminar Title, Time by Region
Main 1.19
By Many or By Few
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 12:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 6:00 Americas (EDT) 24:00
Bob Folkenberg, Jr., Dmin 
President, Chinese Union Mission
Main 1.20
Triune God in the Writings of Ellen G. White
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 13:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 7:00 Americas (EDT) 1:00
Donny Chrissutianto, PhD 
AIIAS: Assistant Professor of Historical Studies 
Main 1.21
God’s Power From Broadcast To Baptism
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 14:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 8:00 Americas (EDT) 2:00
Cami Oetman, MSW 
VP of Advancement, Adventist World Radio
Main 1.22
The Multifaceted Dimensions of the Gospel We Share: Delving into The Deep Things of the Mystery of God
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 15:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 9:00 Americas (EDT) 3:00
Ganoune Diop, PhD
Director Public Affairs and Religious Liberty 
General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Secretary General IRLA
Main 1.23
Miraculous Church Growth Through Prayer
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 16:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 10:00 Americas (EDT) 4:00
Pavel Goia, DMin
Editor, Ministry Magazine, General Conference Ministerial Association
Main 1.24
Prophetic Preaching
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 17:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 11:00 Americas (EDT) 5:00
Hyveth Williams, DMin
Professor of Homiletics, Andrews University Theological Seminary, Director, Doctor of Ministry Program 
Global Prayer Session
Main 1.26
An Hour Of Prayer with our World Church
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 18:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 12:00 Americas (EDT) 6:00
Lead by Jerry Page, DMin, Director: General Conference Ministerial Association    
Main 1.26
Cleansing the Sanctuary and Christian Growth
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 19:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 13:00 Americas (EDT) 7:00
Dr. Samuel Wang, DMiss
Southern Asia-Pacific Division Interfaith Service Director for Chinese, Buddhists and Hindus, DMiss. 
Main 1.27
Revival and Reformation Through A Close Encounter With Jesus
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 19:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 13:00 Americas (EDT) 7:00
Barry Black, PhD, DMin 
Chaplain, US Senate, Retired US Navy Rear Admiral 
Main 1.28
Jesus as the Son of God
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 20:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 14:00 Americas (EDT) 8:00
Clinton Wahlen, PhD
Associate Director: Biblical Research Institute
Main 1.29
Unlock the Power: The Blessings of the Gift of Prophecy at the End of Time!Asia-Pacific (HKT) 21:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 15:00 Americas (EDT) 9:00
Merlin Burt, PhD,
Director of the Ellen G. White Estate and
White Estate Team  
Main 1.30
I Will Go
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 22:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 16:00 Americas (EDT) 10:00
Alejandro Bullon 
Well known evangelist and speaker, South American Division 
Main 1.31
Facing Suffering
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 23:30 Euro-Africa (CEST) 17:30 Americas (EDT) 10:30
Roberto Badenas , PhD
Retired Pastor, teaches at the Theological Seminary in Spain,  guest professor at Andrews University. 
Main 1.32
Jesus as Intercessor
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 23:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 17:00 Americas (EDT) 11:00
Jiri Moskala, ThD, PhD
Dean: Andrews University Seminary 
Main 1.33
Vaccines: Sound in Science and Doctrine
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 24:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 18:00 Americas (EDT) 12:00
David Williams, PhD, MPH
Chair, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health 
Main 1.34
Addictions and Covid-19: Resilience and Recovery Factors
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 1:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 19:00 Americas (EDT) 13:00
Katia Reinert  PhD, MSN, RN, CRNP, FNP-BC, PHCNS-BC 
Associate Director Health Ministries GC
Main 1.35
Covid-19: Facts and Fiction
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 2:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 20:00 Americas (EDT) 14:00
Roger Seheult, MD Loma Linda University Health
ICU Physician, Founder MedCram 
Main 1.36
COVID-19 Vaccines – Development and Deployment
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 3:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 21:00 Americas (EDT) 15:00
Wilbur Chen, MD, MS, FACP, FISDA
Professor of Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine
Chief, Adult Clinical Studies section
Center for Vaccine Development and Global Health (CVD)
Director, UMB Travel Medicine Practice
Main 1.37
Epidemics and how to boost your immune system
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 4:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 22:00 Americas (EDT) 16:00
Jorge Pamplona, MD
Board-certified general and digestive surgeon, and a specialist in health education.
Main 1.38
Living Wisely Beyond the Pandemic
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 5:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 23:00 Americas (EDT) 17:00
Peter Landless M.B., BCH., M.MED., FCP (SA), FACC, FASNC
Director Health Ministries GC, ICPA Executive Director
Main 1.39
Legalism versus Grace
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 6:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 24:00 Americas (EDT) 18:00
Jill Morikone 
3ABN Vice President / COO 
Main 1.40
Creation Changes Everything
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 7:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 1:00 Americas (EDT) 19:00
Timothy Standish, PhD
GRI Staff, PhDEnvironmental Biology and Public Policy 
Main 1.41
Origin of the Universe
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 8:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 2:00 Americas (EDT) 20:00
Alexey Popov, PhD
GRI Staff,  
Main 1.42
Nature and the Power of God
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 9:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 3:00 Americas (EDT) 21:00
Ben Clausen, PhD
GRI Staff, PhD Physics 
Main 1.43
Is the Earth Special?
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 10:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 4:00 Americas (EDT) 22:00
Ronny Nalin, PhD

Director GRI, PhD Earth Science 
Main 1.44
How Natural is Natural Selection
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 11:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 5:00 Americas (EDT) 23:00
Noemi Duran, PhD
GRI Europe, PhD Biology 

Friday May 21, 2021

Vespers By Northern Asia-Pacific Division
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 19:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 13:00 Americas (EDT) 7:00


Mission to the Cities: The Impossible Possibility
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 20:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 14:00 Americas (EDT) 8:00
Mark Finley 
Special Assistant to the President, General Conference 

Health and Life Style Round Table
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 20:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 14:00 Americas (EDT) 8:00
Richard Hart, MD, DrPH
CEO, Loma Linda University Health

How Do We Manage Stress
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 21:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 15:00 Americas (EDT) 9:00
David Williams, PhD
Chair, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences,
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health 

Mental Health and Well Being During Covid
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 22:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 16:00 Americas (EDT) 10:00
Torben Bergland, MD 
Associate Director, GC Health Ministries 

Adventist Health Study
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 23:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 17:00 Americas (EDT) 11:00
Gary Fraser, MD
MD, Loma Linda University International Heart Institute 


Presented by Adventist University of Africa
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 24:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 18:00 Americas (EDT) 12:00

Living a Life of Service
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 1:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 19:00 Americas (EDT) 13:00
Michael-John Von Hörsten, MBChB, MS
Lead Doctor ADRA Uganda, AdventistHelp

Collaborative Ministry, Pastors and Teachers
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 2:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 20:00 Americas (EDT) 14:00
Scott Ward, DMin  
Professor, Andrews University Seminary

Adventist Education
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 3:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 21:00   Americas (EDT) 15:00
Gordon Bietz, DMin
Associate Director Higher Education NAD 

Adventist Education and Mission
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 4:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 22:00 Americas (EDT) 16:00
Lisa Beardsley-Hardy, PhD
GC Education Director & NBSP 

Asia-Pacific (HKT) 6:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 24:00  Americas (EDT) 18:00
Gamaliel Flórez, DMin
Director of Education: IAD 


Presented by Inter-America Division
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 7:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 1:00 Americas (EDT) 19:00

Vespers Speaker

Built For This Moment
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 8:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 2:00   Americas (EDT) 20:00
Alex Bryant, DMin
President, North American Division of SDA 

Vespers Speaker

A toda nación, tribu, lengua y pueblo.
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 8:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 2:00   Americas (EDT) 20:00
Alejandro Bullon 
Pastor, Retired, South American Division  

Topic &
Track Number
Speaker, Seminar Title, Time by Region
Main 1.45
Involving Children in Mission
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 12:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 6:00 Americas (EDT) 24:00
Orathai Chureson, PhD  
Director, Children’s Ministry
Main 1.46
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 13:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 7:00 Americas (EDT) 1:00
Remwil Tornalejo 
AIIAS: Associate Professor of Systematic Theology
Main 1.47
How to Mentor New Believers in the Church
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 14:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 8:00 Americas (EDT) 2:00
Ron Clouzet, DMin
NSD Ministerial Secretary
Main 1.48
Maker of All Things
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 15:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 9:00 Americas (EDT) 3:00
Dwight Nelson, DMin
Senior Pastor, Pioneer Memorial Church
Main 1.49
Leadership principles of the Bible: Finding God’s way for leaders
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 16:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 10:00 Americas (EDT) 4:00
Randy Siebold, PhD
Assoc. Professor of Leadership, Andrews University 
Main 1.50
Passing on the Sound Doctrine: The Role of Teaching Doctrine in the Local Church as Part of Evangelism, Nurture, and Discipleship
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 17:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 11:00 Americas (EDT) 5:00
Gheorghe Razmerita, PhD 
AIIAS: Associate Professor of Systematic Theology; Philosophy 
Global Prayer Session
Main 1.51
An Hour Of Prayer with our World Church
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 18:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 12:00 Americas (EDT) 6:00
Lead by Jerry Page, DMin, Director: General Conference Ministerial Association    
Main 1.52
By Northern Asia-Pacific Division
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 19:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 13:00 Americas (EDT) 7:00
Vespers Speaker
Main 1.53
Mission to the Cities: The Impossible Possibility
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 20:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 14:00 Americas (EDT) 8:00
Mark Finley 
Special Assistant to the President, General Conference 
Main 1.54
Health and Life Style Round Table
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 20:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 14:00 Americas (EDT) 8:00
Richard Hart, MD, DrPH
CEO, Loma Linda University Health
Main 1.55
How Do We Manage Stress
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 21:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 15:00 Americas (EDT) 9:00
David Williams, PhD
Chair, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences,
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health 
Main 1.56
Mental Health and Well Being During Covid
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 22:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 16:00 Americas (EDT) 10:00
Torben Bergland, MD 
Associate Director, GC Health Ministries 
Main 1.57
Adventist Health Study
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 23:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 17:00 Americas (EDT) 11:00
Gary Fraser, MD
MD, Loma Linda University International Heart Institute 
Main 1.58
Presented by Adventist University of Africa
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 24:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 18:00 Americas (EDT) 12:00
Vespers Speaker
Main 1.59
Living a Life of Service
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 1:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 19:00 Americas (EDT) 13:00
Michael-John Von Hörsten, MBChB, MS
Lead Doctor ADRA Uganda, AdventistHelp
Main 1.60
Collaborative Ministry, Pastors and Teachers
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 2:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 20:00 Americas (EDT) 14:00
Scott Ward, DMin  
Professor, Andrews University Seminary
Main 1.61
Adventist Education
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 3:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 21:00   Americas (EDT) 15:00
Gordon Bietz, DMin
Associate Director Higher Education NAD 
Main 1.62
Adventist Education and Mission
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 4:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 22:00 Americas (EDT) 16:00
Lisa Beardsley-Hardy, PhD
GC Education Director & NBSP 
Main 1.63
21st Century Learning
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 5:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 23:00   Americas (EDT) 17:00
Stephen Bralley, BS and Leisa Standish, PhD
NAD, Director Secondary  Education, Director Elementry Education 
Main 1.64
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 6:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 24:00  Americas (EDT) 18:00
Gamaliel Flórez, DMin
Director of Education: IAD 
Main 1.65
Presented by Inter-America Division
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 7:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 1:00 Americas (EDT) 19:00
Vespers Speaker
Main 1.66
Built For This Moment
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 8:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 2:00   Americas (EDT) 20:00
Alex Bryant, DMin
President, North American Division of SDA 
Vespers Speaker
Main 1.67
A toda nación, tribu, lengua y pueblo.
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 8:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 2:00   Americas (EDT) 20:00
Alejandro Bullon 
Pastor, Retired, South American Division  

Sabbath May 22, 2021

Sabbath School Lesson Study

Asia-Pacific (HKT) 9:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 3:00 Americas (EDT) 21:00
By GC Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Dept:
Presenter Frank Hasel, PhD
Associate Director, Biblical Research Institute, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Michael Hasel, Cliff Goldstein

I Will Go – God’s Outreach Plan for Us
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 12:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 6:00 Americas (EDT) 24:00
Speaker: Ted Wilson, PhD
President General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists   

The Young Savior – Foundation of Youth Evangelism (Bahasa [Indonesian])
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 13:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 7:00 Americas (EDT) 1:00
Yan Sitanggang 
Pastor: East Indonesia Union

Christian Life Cycle (in Tagalog)
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 14:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 8:00 Americas (EDT) 2:00
Ron Genebago 
Youth Director:  SSD 

Sabbath School Lesson Study
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 15:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 9:00 Americas (EDT) 3:00
By GC Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Dept:
Presenter Frank Hasel, PhD 
Associate Director, Biblical Research Institute, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Michael Hasel, Cliff Goldstein

By Middle East and North Africa Union    
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 17:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 11:00 Americas (EDT) 5:00

Divine Service

By Middle East and North Africa Union    
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 17:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 11:00 Americas (EDT) 5:00

I Will Go – God’s Outreach Plan for Us  
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 18:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 12:00 Americas (EDT) 6:00
Speaker: Ted Wilson, PhD
President General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

Going Big So We Can Go Home
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 20:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 14:00 Americas (EDT) 8:00
Gary Blanchard MDiv
Director, Youth Ministries, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

Healing My Implicit Bias
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 4:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 22:00 Americas (EDT) 16:00
David Williams, MD, PhD
Chair: Dept of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Harvard 

Drinks for Dehydrated Souls
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 5:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 23:00  Americas (EDT) 17:00
Barry Black, PhD, DMin
Chaplain, US Senate, Retired US Navy Rear Admiral 

Building Understanding In Culture, Race and the Church
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 6:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 24:00 Americas (EDT) 18:00
Ella Simmons, EdD
Vice President, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Jennifer Woods, JD, MPH 
Associate General Council, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

Holy Spirit
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 8:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 2:00 Americas (EDT) 20:00
Dwight Nelson, DMin
Senior Pastor, Pioneer Memorial Church 

Amazing Miracles Through Digital Evangelism and Campmeeting Finale
Karen Glassford and Michael Dant, Adventist World Radio
with Closing Remarks for Global Campmeeting by Elder Wilson
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 9:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 3:00 Americas (EDT) 21:00
Ted Wilson, PhD

Topic &
Track Number
Speaker, Seminar Title, Time by Region
Sabbath School Lesson Study
Main 1.69
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 9:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 3:00 Americas (EDT) 21:00
By GC Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Dept:
Presenter Frank Hasel, PhD
Associate Director, Biblical Research Institute, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Michael Hasel, Cliff Goldstein
Divine Service
Main 1.70
 By Southern Asia Pacific Division
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 11:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 5:00 Americas (EDT) 23:00
Divine Service
Main 1.71
I Will Go – God’s Outreach Plan for Us
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 12:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 6:00 Americas (EDT) 24:00
Speaker: Ted Wilson, PhD
President General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists   
Youth/Young Adults
Main 1.72
The Young Savior – Foundation of Youth Evangelism (Bahasa [Indonesian])
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 13:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 7:00 Americas (EDT) 1:00
Yan Sitanggang 
Pastor: East Indonesia Union
Youth/Young Adults
Main 1.73
Christian Life Cycle (in Tagalog)
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 14:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 8:00 Americas (EDT) 2:00
Ron Genebago 
Youth Director:  SSD 
Sabbath School Lesson Study
Main 1.75
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 15:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 9:00 Americas (EDT) 3:00
By GC Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Dept:
Presenter Frank Hasel, PhD 
Associate Director, Biblical Research Institute, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Michael Hasel, Cliff Goldstein
Divine Service
Main 1.76
By Middle East and North Africa Union    
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 17:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 11:00 Americas (EDT) 5:00
Divine Service
Main 1.77
I Will Go – God’s Outreach Plan for Us  
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 18:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 12:00 Americas (EDT) 6:00
Speaker: Ted Wilson, PhD
President General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Global Prayer Session
Main 1.78
An Hour Of Prayer with our World Church
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 19:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 13:00 Americas (EDT) 7:00
Lead by Jerry Page, DMin, Director: General Conference Ministerial Association         
Youth/Young Adults
Main 1.79
Going Big So We Can Go Home
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 20:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 14:00 Americas (EDT) 8:00
Gary Blanchard MDiv
Director, Youth Ministries, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Sabbath School
Sabbath School Lesson Study
Main 1.80
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 21:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 15:00 Americas (EDT) 9:00
By GC Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Dept:
Presenter Frank Hasel, PhD
Associate Director, Biblical Research Institute, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Michael Hasel, Cliff Goldstein
Divine Service
Main 1.81
By Oakwood University    
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 23:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 17:00 Americas (EDT) 11:00
Divine Service
Main 1.82
I Will Go – God’s Outreach Plan for Us 
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 24:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 18:00 Americas (EDT) 12:00
Speaker: Ted Wilson, PhD
President General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists    
Youth/Young Adults
Main 1.83
Knowing How to Win GenZ and Alpha to Christ
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 1:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 19:00 Americas (EDT) 13:00
Jonatan Tejel 
Youth Director: EUD
Youth/Young Adults
Main 1.84
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 2:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 20:00 Americas (EDT) 14:00
Tracy Wood, DMin  
Youth Director: NAD 
Youth/Young Adults
Main 1.85
Character Development
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 3:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 21:00 Americas (EDT) 15:00
Jose Bourget, DMin 
Professor: Andrews University Seminary 
Community / Unity
Main 1.86
Healing My Implicit Bias
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 4:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 22:00 Americas (EDT) 16:00
David Williams, MD, PhD
Chair: Dept of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Harvard 
Community / Unity
Main 1.87
Drinks for Dehydrated Souls
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 5:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 23:00  Americas (EDT) 17:00
Barry Black, PhD, DMin
Chaplain, US Senate, Retired US Navy Rear Admiral 
Community / Unity
Main 1.88
Building Understanding In Culture, Race and the Church
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 6:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 24:00 Americas (EDT) 18:00
Ella Simmons, EdD
Vice President, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Jennifer Woods, JD, MPH 
Associate General Council, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
 Community / Unity
Main 1.89
Q&A With Dr. Simmons and Ms. Woods
Main 1.90
Holy Spirit
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 8:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 2:00 Americas (EDT) 20:00
Dwight Nelson, DMin
Senior Pastor, Pioneer Memorial Church 
Main 1.91
Amazing Miracles Through Digital Evangelism and Campmeeting Finale
Karen Glassford and Michael Dant, Adventist World Radio
with Closing Remarks for Global Campmeeting by Elder Wilson
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 9:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 3:00 Americas (EDT) 21:00
Ted Wilson, PhD