
NOTE: This is a partial list of the exhibitors committed to being at the 2021 Global Virtual Campmeeting. We will be updating this list over the next few weeks.

Platinum Plus Exhibitors

3ABN Since 1985, Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN) has had one goal in mind–to lift up Jesus and proclaim the three angels’ messages! Through nine television and five radio networks, as well as on-demand streaming, we offer Bible-based, family-focused programming to grow in your walk and use in your witness.

ADRA We are the global humanitarian arm of the Seventh-day Adventist Church—part of the 20-million strong Adventist community, with hundreds of thousands of churches globally and the world’s largest integrated healthcare and education network. We deliver relief and development assistance to individuals in more than 118 countries—regardless of their ethnicity, political affiliation, gender, or religious association. By partnering with local communities, organizations, and governments, we are able to deliver culturally relevant programs and build local capability for sustainable change.

Adventist Colleges and Universities Adventist higher education offers measurable differences in spiritual experience, personal connections, campus participation and life preparation. In fact, 82 percent of graduates from Adventist colleges and universities told us the investment they made in their education was worth it.

Adventist Mission highlights the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s mission work through mission quarterlies, Mission Spotlight videos, Mission 360 magazine and television programs. Your mission offerings help to grow and sustain new work throughout the world. Please keep this life-giving river flowing to provide wholistic ministry in our schools, hospitals, clinics and media.

Adventist World Radio For 50 years, Adventist World Radio (awr.org) has beamed the Three Angels’ Messages around the world—resulting in transformed lives for the kingdom. More than 1,000 radio stations worldwide broadcast AWR in 100+ languages via FM, AM, DAB and shortwave. Evangelistic messages of truth, hope and healing are also presented through podcasts, Godpods, YouTube, cell phone evangelism and digital missionaries who pray with people and help answer their Bible questions. AWR provides training and opportunities for the young and young at heart to become digital missionaries. We can’t wait to see you at our booth, where you’ll find inspiring miracle stories, details on our brand-new apps, and information on how you can become a digital missionary from the comfort of your home. And be sure to follow us on social media for the latest AWR360° updates!

Hope Channel is the official global television network of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. We provide wholistic, Bible-based programming for television and other media distribution. Our mission is to offer God’s good news for a better life today and for eternity, through the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s wholistic understanding of the Bible, including the three angels’ messages and end-time prophecies. We can help you understand the Bible and find freedom, healing, and hope in Jesus.

Loma Linda University Health founded in 1905, offers a unique environment through the integration of health, science and faith. More than 100 years later, Loma Linda University Health is part of a world-class academic medical center with pioneering efforts in health and wholeness. Every day, we work in service to our communities and under-served populations everywhere. Today, tomorrow and always, we commit ourselves to our singular mission: to continue the teaching and healing ministry of Jesus Christ.

North American Division The Seventh-day Adventist® Church in North America, known as the North American Division, represents more than 1.2 million members from the United States, Canada, Bermuda, Guam and Micronesia. This regional division was officially formed in 1985, and moved from Silver Spring, Maryland, to Columbia, Maryland, in September 2017.

Platinum Exhibitors

Compassion Driven Ministries Discover how God, the Bible, and Neuroscience use compassion to make us 100 times more effective in ministry. A physiological bond develops between the conveyor and the receiver of compassion, creating an inter-connective link, by which people are drawn into connection with God, the source of true compassion. If we are “kind, courteous, tenderhearted, and pitiful, there would be one hundred conversions… where there is now only one.” TC Vol.9:189

GC Health Ministries exists to support and empower Seventh-day Adventist churches, members, and institutions around the world to experience the blessings of holistic health while actively sharing those blessings with others. We believe that we have been created as holistic beings with physical, mental, spiritual, social, and relational dimensions. We believe that God is deeply interested in the health and well-being of humanity, and that He wants to use His church as a special agent of healing to relieve suffering and reveal His love.

GC Ministerial The Ministerial Association of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists exists to serve Jesus Christ and His global church by ministering to pastors, pastors’ families, local church leaders, administrators, departmental directors and ministerial association secretaries. The Ministerial Association focuses on providing practical, theological, and evangelistic resources for pastors, elders, deacons and deaconesses, ministerial spouses, and evangelists.

Geoscience Research Institute Who are you? Essential information necessary to addressing this fundamental question is found in the Bible. Humans are created beings, made in the image of their Creator, and living in a world that He made to sustain us, bring joy and teach about Him and His character. Our world may be marred by sin, but we still see beauty, exquisite complexity, sublime laws and a host of other revelations about the Creator in His “second book.” The mission of the Geoscience Research Institute of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists is to explore the natural world, seeking to develop and share an understanding of nature consistent with the biblical teaching. In doing this, we engage in scientific research and service to our Church while investigating the most fascinating intellectual pursuit possible, the interface between science and faith. Ultimately, we support the Seventh-day Adventist Church in proclaiming the Three Angel’s Messages of Revelation 14.

Inter-American Division Publishing Association is one of the two publishing houses that serve the Inter-American territory since 1983. We publish books in the three main languages of our territory Spanish, English and French our mission is to publish books that will help people improve their personal, family and social life, and their relationship with God.

Montemorelos University is an education institution where faculty staff is focused preparing missionaries in different knowledge areas. As the Division Interamerican University, we receive youth from around the world and also send missionaries to serve in places of great need. Vision to undertake, passion to serve; are the words that define us till Christ come for us.

Outpost Centers International (OCI) is the largest network of supporting ministries in the world. These ministries represent a significant portion of the organized gospel outreach conducted by the laity of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. OCI currently has more than 190 member ministries worldwide, gathering thousands of missionaries working to further God’s work in more than 55 countries.

Revival and Reformation The Revival and Reformation initiative of the Seventh-day Adventist Church seeks to assist the church in removing spiritual obstacles so that God can revive the church with His Spirit, accomplish the work of reflecting His character, and proclaiming the gospel to the world in preparation of His return. Revival and Reformation provides practical, inspirational resources for you, your family, your church, and your community.

The Biblical Research Institute
Our Mission:

  • Advance the study and practice of Adventist theology and lifestyle as understood by the world church and explore further biblical truth;
  • Provide theological expertise and resources for the administration and departments of the General Conference and the world church;
  • Identify areas of doctrinal and theological concern and encourage commitment to the truths of Scripture;
  • Encourage and facilitate dialogue within the Seventh-day Adventist theological community to foster doctrinal and theological unity in the world church.

Vision: The BRI will be a leader in the exploration of biblical truth and the creation of cutting-edge biblical and theological resources to enhance the world church’s understanding and expression of its message, mission, and unity in a globally sensitive and relevant way.

Thomas Nelson Bibles is one of the oldest and largest Bible publishers in the world, produces Bibles that display the authority and accuracy of God’s Word. With a history reaching back to 1798, Thomas Nelson began its work with the King James Bible, then commissioned the New King James Version, and now includes publishing other modern language editions of the Bible.

General Exhibitors

Abide Network is a mental health ministry run by professional and paraprofessional Adventists who use a biblically-grounded, inspiration-informed, Adventist friendly, wholistic approach. Through counseling, coaching, workshops, support groups, trainings, and publishing, we bring the message of Jesus’ healing love to the world. Abide is, at its core, a community of mental health enthusiasts. Join us! 

Accordance Bible Software For over 25 years, Accordance Bible Software has been equipping pastors, students, professors, and serious laypersons to engage in deep study of the Bible. Known for its speed, ease of use, and flexibility, Accordance removes the common roadblocks to scriptural insight by keeping the Bible central to your studies. With the release of version 13, along with its mobile counterparts, Accordance Bible Software truly allows you to Go Where Inspiration Leads.

Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries (ACM) The mission of Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries is to promote Adventist chaplaincies throughout all the divisions of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The ACM mission has four elements: 1) To develop and/or sustain chaplaincy ministries and recruit, endorse, train and support Adventist clergy as chaplains. ACM endeavors to place qualified Adventist pastors as chaplains on college and university campuses, in community agencies, correctional institutions, health care facilities, military forces and the workplace. 2) To oversee and certify professional training programs. 3) To endorse and certify capable, competent and caring Adventist clergy as chaplains. All chaplains are first pastors, though not all pastors are called to be chaplains. 4)To provide pastoral care and nurture for people regardless of their declared faith or no faith. Chaplains must exercise spiritual leadership with integrity and be professionally proficient, flexible and balanced. ACM also includes the World Service Organization (WSO).

World Service Organization The World Service Organization of Seventh-day Adventists provides support for Adventist members who serve in uniform, and in public and government settings. Adventist veterans are honored for their service and encouraged to continue their involvement in their own ministry. The World Service Organization/National Service Organization (WSO/NSO) also administers the Adventist Medical Cadet Corps (MCC) and the Adventist Service Corps (ASC). Membership to the Corps is open to all Seventh-day Adventist Church members that are at least 17 years of age. They are trained and equipped to serve God and the community, and to provide aid during natural disasters or accidents. When recognized by local and national governments, this training and service are an alternative to military service in those countries. It is important to negotiate with the government for alternative to military services in times of peace before a draft is activated by the government.

Adventist Family Ministries is a ministry of grace which acknowledges as normative the biblical teachings relating to the family and holds high God’s ideals for family living. At the same time, it brings an understanding of the brokenness experienced by individuals and families in a fallen world. Thus, Adventist Family Ministries seeks to enable families to stretch toward divine ideals, while at the same time ever extending the good news of God’s saving grace and the promise of growth possible through the indwelling Spirit.

Adventist Frontier Missions (AFM) establishes indigenous Seventh-day Adventist church-planting movements among unreached people groups. These people are often isolated behind barriers of geography, language and prejudice, and they have no access to gospel truth because there is no viable Christian presence among them. AFM sends cross-cultural missionaries among unreached people groups that have no Adventist presence in order to win them to Christ and establish a biblical worldview. Once a solid foundation is established, they begin discipling and training new believers to carry the work forward. God’s instructions are clear: His people must take the everlasting gospel to every nation, tribe, language and people (Rev. 14:6).

Adventist Possibility Ministries operates with the belief that “All are gifted, needed, and treasured.” Some refer to those for whom we work and have a special interest as the “disabled,” but that’s hardly the case. Those who are deaf, blind, physically immobile, have a mental illness, orphans, mourning the loss of a spouse, and caregivers, as well as those who live and work with them, are our focus. We advocate for the recognition of dignity and respect of every person which helps make possible the discovery of unrealized abilities despite stigmas associated with their disability or loss. We believe in their possibilities.

Adventlingo is an organization focused on helping share the gospel through the translation of material that promotes the beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

AdventSource is the official leadership resource center for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America and we ship our resource materials world-wide. We partner with GC and NAD departments along with other ministry-focused organizations to develop, produce, and market targeted leadership resources and services to assist local congregations in fulfilling their mission.

Adventech a volunteer-based movement that uses technology to proclaim the Good News and to witness Jesus’ second coming. We are committed to delivering high-quality projects that are 100% free to download and use. We have developed the official Sabbath School application for the World Church that supports over 50 languages.

AIIAS The Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies (AIIAS) is a General Conference institution offering masters and doctoral programs for students from all world divisions of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The Graduate School and Theological Seminary offer programs to develop academic leaders in the fields of Theology, Education, Business, and Public Health. Faculty come from 20 countries, and students from 60 countries. Programs are delivered onsite in the Philippines, online, and through cohorts and distance learning centers.

Association of Black Seventh-Day Adventist Nurses This association serves all nurses of Black/African-American heritage who are students from any school, active nurses (RNs/LPNs/LVNs), graduate nurses and retired nurses. We have been established to support you, our communities and Oakwood University-Department of Nursing. This Historical Black College and University located in Alabama is one of a few Christian schools that attend to the development of nurses with an acute sense of opportunities for Christ-led service for our communities as we prepare for the second advent.

Burman University is accredited by the Adventist Accrediting Association (AAA) offering Campus Alberta Quality Council (CAQC) approved bachelor degree programs. We offer over 35 major or track choices in bachelor degree programs in our Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Science, School of Business, and School of Education. We are one of 15 Adventist universities in North America, but we are the only Seventh-day Adventist university in Canada.

Child Impact International gives hope and fosters permanent positive change in the lives of disadvantaged children and their communities. Committed to making a difference for the past 50 years, thousands of children have been sponsored and we continue to provide education through our Adventist mission schools to orphans, deaf, and the blind and rescue from slavery and trafficking. We offer hope to those in need.

Children’s Ministries seeks to nurture the faith of children into a loving, serving relationship to Jesus. We fulfill this mission by providing resources, both print and digital, in the areas of Bible studies, discipleship, health, stewardship, Spirit of Prophecy, and leadership training for children and children’s leaders.

Christian Record Services for the Blind is an official ministry of the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists; our mission is to empower people who are blind to engage their communities and embrace the Blessed Hope. Christian Record offers free membership to anyone who is legally blind, and maintains a large lending library of accessible books and resources, publishes multiple magazines, provides higher-education scholarships, offers camp opportunities for the young and young at heart through National Camps for Blind Children, and recently launched PhoneFaith, a call-in platform created by and for individuals who are legally blind. Let’s partner together to minister to people in your community who are legally blind!

Daniel Dreamgazer Comic Books The prophecies of old have said that the destroyer of nations would come, and now that day is here. Daniel, a teenager, is captured by this tyrant, King Nebuchadnezzar. He and his friends are brought to the strange land of Babylon. There, they will have to decide between survival and staying loyal to their God. This 12 book series chronicles Daniel’s adventures of danger and dreams. Please consider supporting us by buying your copy today.

Farm Stew mission is to improve the health and well-being of poor families and vulnerable people by sharing the recipe of abundant life throughout the world. FARM STEW seeks to make the knowledge and practical skills that we teach to address hunger, disease, and poverty, available to as many people as possible. FARM STEW is a relevant, practical, Bible-based, health message that can serve as a tool for evangelism”

GC Adventist Volunteer Center The mission of the General Conference Adventist Volunteer Center is to assist the Seventh-day Adventist® Church in the proclamation of the gospel to all peoples through the ministry of Adventist Volunteers, matching talents, gifts, resources and professional expertise with defined needs.

General Conference Education Department (GC-EDU) is responsible for the coordination, promotion, training, and quality of the global Seventh-day Adventist educational program, which includes over 8,500 schools, colleges and universities, with over 108,500 teachers and 1,954,920 students. Working in close cooperation with the Education Department directors in the 13 world divisions, the staff offers services to boards, administrators, faculty of Adventist colleges and universities worldwide, and support through the world divisions to educational leaders at union/ conference/ mission levels and to teachers in Adventist elementary and secondary schools. Through AMiCUS (Adventist Ministry to College and University Students), the Department cooperates with Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries and the Youth Ministries Departments in nurturing the faith of Adventist students attending non-Adventist colleges and universities around the world.

General Conference Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research

  • Organize, analyze and appropriately publicize historical documents and images, current statistics, and other vital organizational data of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
  • Preserve the integrity of the records of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
  • Heighten awareness and understanding of Adventist heritage and identity among church members worldwide, telling our denominational story innovatively and truthfully
  • Conduct evaluations, undertake and administer research, and present findings with integrity and transparency
  • Utilize historical records and current data to inform decision-making by the Seventh-day Adventist Church

Global Mission Adventist Mission highlights the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s mission work through mission quarterlies, Mission Spotlight videos, Mission 360 magazine and television programs. Your mission offerings help to grow and sustain new work throughout the world. Please keep this life-giving river flowing to provide wholistic ministry in our schools, hospitals, clinics and media.

Guam Seventh-day Adventist Clinic “Leading people to Christ through high-quality health-care and education”. Now Hiring Medical Missionaries – U.S. Board Certified: (2) Ophthalmologist, (2) OB/Gyn, (2) Optometrist, Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, General Surgeon, Pediatrician. 3 to 5 Years/Long Term and 1 to 12 months Relief Providers.

Institute of World Mission “The Institute of World Mission is the missionary training branch of the General Conference Secretariat for the purpose of:

  • Cultivating mission vision
  • Preparing cross-cultural workers
  • Nurturing missionary witness for effective service in God’s harvest

Islam & Christianity in Prophecy Seminars is a ministry of the Idaho Conference of SDA. Our seminars are based on Daniel 11 and include outreach for the general public and revival type meetings for Adventists. Our understanding of Daniel 11 is supported by many scholars and leaders and most people say it makes more sense than anything they have heard before.

It is Written has been a staple on American television since premiering in 1956. The weekly program, currently hosted by John Bradshaw, applies timeless truths to everyday life, with many episodes dealing with issues such as loneliness, fear, low self-esteem and spiritual principles. With its straightforward, uplifting presentations, the program aims to inspire and encourage people of all faiths and creeds. Founded by George Vandeman, It Is Written was the first religious telecast to air in color.

Kettering College is an institution of higher learning focused on training students for service as a life-calling and harmony with God in body, mind, and soul. Kettering College is owned and operated by Kettering Health Network and is located in Kettering, OH, a suburb of Dayton. Kettering College offers undegraduate and graduate degrees in health care and was established with the specific calling of training students to serve Christ through helping people in health care.

La Voz de la Esperanza Since 1942, La Voz de la Esperanza has been broadcasting radio programs around the world. Television and social media streaming are also an important focus of our ministry. Together with Bible Studies and evangelism campaigns, La Voz de la Esperanza shares the message of salvation to all Spanish-speaking people in many countries. Our mission is to show that Jesus saves and He will soon come again to take us home.

Life Talk Radio is a global network connecting people with Christ and offering family friendly programming, including LifeTalkKids. This radio ministry shares God’s message of love and redemption 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It reaches people of ALL ages, empathizing with them, ministering to their needs, winning their confidence, and leading them to Jesus! LifeTalk Radio is a media ministry of the North American Division.

Middle East University empowers students who are distinguished by their personal, professional, service-oriented and faith-based lives. Its academic rigor, culturally diverse community, affordable tuition, and easy access to ancient Biblical lands make it the perfect place to pursue higher education. Located in Beirut, Lebanon, Middle East University.

Monterey Bay Academy (MBA) “is a coeducational Seventh-day Adventist boarding high school (grades 9-12) located on the shores of the Pacific Ocean in Northern California. MBA’s 380-acre campus has its own one-mile stretch of private beach that offers a picturesque setting for students to experience challenging academics and social development. Most importantly, this all takes place in a safe and nurturing atmosphere that recognizes Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, therefore fostering the spiritual growth of our students. Our culturally diverse student population is derived from our local communities of Santa Cruz, San Jose, and San Francisco, as well as from cities across the U.S. and the world.

Established in 1949, MBA continues to offer a national and global experience in a small family-like campus environment where students can pursue excellence in their education. Our motto, Where Land and Sea Unite to Inspire, represents our faculty and staff’s desire that each student would be inspired in their education, their social interactions, and in their relationship with God. An education at MBA goes far beyond textbooks and classrooms. It is Where Land and Sea Unite to Inspire for a lifetime.

Pacific Press Publishing Association is the official printing and publishing house of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America. We publish as many as 75 new books each year, and we print millions of pages of tracts, literature ministries resources, union and other magazines, Sabbath School quarterlies, hymnals, and more. Pacific Press operates the AdventistBookCenter.com website and cooperates with a networks of retail stores around the division that distribute these materials worldwide. We pray that these resources help readers draw closer to Jesus each day.

Revelation of H.E.E.M.M. Health Education Evangelism & Mission Ministry is a ministry by for the strengthen of individuals for the corporate body of the Adventist church to able to accomplish the goal of preparing people to be ready for the return of Jesus Christ and reaching. We focus on spiritual development, health reform, prophecy, the science of prayer and evangelism. We train individuals to work as pastors, elders, bible workers, medical missionaries and lay members, strengthening them in all areas of their talents and gifts.

Sabbath School and Personal Ministries The mission of the General Conference Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Department is to make disciples, who in turn make other disciples. We aim to do this by helping local Seventh-day Adventist churches discover the purpose and power of Sabbath School and by inspiring and enlisting every member to become actively involved in personal soul-winning service.

Sheron Mingo is an SDA Christian who writes Vegan Delectable cookbooks and is also a multi-genre creative writer. She endeavors to humor God’s people through candid, uplifting but humorous original poetry, literary fiction and transformational books. Look for her 1st poetry volume December 2021. Visit her authors’ page and website.

Southern Adventist University Grounded in Jesus Christ and dedicated to the beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Southern Adventist University equips students to embrace biblical truth, embody academic and professional excellence, and pursue Spirit-filled lives of service. Located in Tennessee, Southern is a co-educational institution established by the Seventh-day Adventist Church, offering doctoral, master’s, baccalaureate, and associate degrees as well as one-year certificates.

Southern Asia-Pacific Division of Seventh-day Adventists (SSD) is one of the thirteen regional organizations (called Divisions) of the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It oversees the work of spreading the saving truths of the Gospel in the Southeast Asian countries of Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam, as well as the Southern Asian countries of Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. There are over 1.3 million Seventh-day Adventists worshiping in more than 7,000 churches, in the territory with a population of over a billion.  Almost 90 percent of the Division’s membership live in Indonesia and the Philippines. 

Taiwan Adventist Hospital Taiwan Adventist Hospital is committed to fulfill the mission: “To follow the spirit of Jesus and provide holistic care.” We are constantly challenging ourselves to provide high quality health care to the public.

The Adventist Learning Community is a Seventh-day Adventist ministerial and educational platform designed to strengthen professionals through continuing education courses, teaching courses, ministerial training, and dissemination of uniquely Adventist content for the church community and beyond.

The Center for Youth Evangelism develops and provides the methods, resources, and leadership necessary to inspire youth evangelism. We specialize in the training of students and youth ministry leaders for various forms of Youth Evangelism through our resources, events, media, and partners.

The Jesus 101 Biblical Institute is a media ministry that exists to introduce people to the real Jesus, and to equip them to share His love with others. The primary purpose of this ministry is to reach everyone with the good news of salvation accomplished by the sacrifice of Jesus, offering hope and assurance through Christ-centered biblical training. In addition, Jesus 101 develops resources to motivate and equip for the study of Scripture, encouraging authentic discipleship, wholeness and purpose. We know the end of the story… and JESUS WINS!

The Northern Asia-Pacific division (NSD) is made up of Japan, Mongolia, Republic of Korea, Taiwan and Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. The mission of God’s people in this division is to spread the gospel message of the soon coming Christ to the people who reside in the division territory.

Three Angels Deaf Ministries Our focus is three-fold. We are focused on sharing Jesus with Deaf people and teaching them what the Bible says. We also strive to nurture Deaf members and to train them to be true disciples of Christ, equipping them to do their part in spreading the Everlasting Gospel. Plus, we are educating those who hear about Deaf ministry and culture so that they can better reach out to Deaf souls.

Total Employment is an initiative of Adventist Mission of the General Conference. We help you use your career among an unreached people as a “tentmaker” missionary. Like the Apostle Paul, your profession will provide for your family while giving you a platform for witnessing—that is Total Employment!

Trans-European Division (TED) is comprised of 22 European countries. Our mission is to help our fields achieve substantial and long-term growth by providing exceptional service and witness. On our journey of hope, we will build a growing community of disciples that are one in Christ – diverse yet inclusive, open to the needs of people, active, caring, learning and communicative – to build God’s kingdom in unity and develop each person’s life in an awareness of God’s presence through the Holy Spirit.

TUTKU Educational Travel With offices in Tel Aviv, Izmir, Cairo, Athens, and Rome, TUTKU Educational Travel is a leading tour operator to the Holy Lands; Israel, Turkey, Greece, Jordan, Egypt, Italy and more. The company has been in operation since 1992 and has quickly emerged as the top choice for churches, seminaries, and universities. TUTKU is the organizer of the “Global Smyrna Meeting on the Seven Churches of Revelation”, and “The Jesus Tour & Conference”.

Vegetarian Traveler makes a delicious 100% plant-based, high protein snack called Munchy Crunchy Protein®. And with 16 grams of plant protein in each packet, they are so good they can also be used as the protein component on a meal.

VividFaith connects people with service opportunities. Whether you are looking for a full-time job or a volunteer stint, register (for free) as a VividFriend to find your next adventure in missions. Make VividFaith the first step in your journey of sharing your faith through service.