Table of Contents
Education experts discuss the on going changes in the learning environment and how to adapt and manage on line learning in a safe and effective way. Also, see the exciting developments in science to help us understand our world.
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
John Wesley Taylor, EdD, PhD – Moderator
Associate Director of Education, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Gamaliel Flórez, DMin
Sadrail Saint-Ulysse, PhD, MDiv
Almir Marroni,
Ben Thomas, MBA
Richard Sabuin, PhD
Lawrence Domingo, EdD
David McClintock, PhD
How to Afford and Adventist Education
Education Leaders Round Table
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 19:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 13:00
Americas (EDT) 7:00
Prema Gaikwad, PhD
Professor of Education, Department of Education Graduate School of Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies
Strategies for Engaging Learners in an Online Class
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 20:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 14:00
Americas (EDT) 8:00
Arceli Rosario, PhD
Professor Graduate School,
Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies
Balancing Work, Study, and Parenting
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 21:00
uro-Africa (CEST) 15:00
Americas (EDT) 9:00
Ella Smith Simmons, EdD – Moderator
General Vice-President, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Ginger Ketting-Weller, PhD
Noemí Durán Royo, PhD
Eustace Penniecook-Sawyer, MD
Mueni Lorraine Mutinga, DDS
Nzisa L. Mutinga, MD, MS, RN
Encouraging and Supporting Girls and Women in STEM Studies and Careers
Education Leaders Round Table
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 1:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 19:00
Americas (EDT) 13:00
Ben Clausen, PhD
Geoscience Research Institute Staff
Sharing: What We Have to Offer the Scientific Community
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 3:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 21:00
Americas (EDT) 15:00
Raul Esperante, PhD
Geoscience Research Institute Staff
(Can a scientist be a Christian?)
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 4:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 22:00
Americas (EDT) 16:00
Lisa Beardsley-Hardy, PhD, MPH, MBA – Moderator
Director of Education, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Glynis Bradfield, PhD
Safary Wa-Mbaleka, EdD, Phd
Leni Casimiro, PhD
How to be an “A” Student Online
Education Leaders Round Table
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 7:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 1:00
Americas (EDT) 19:00
Marilyn Eggers, PhD
Associate Provost, Loma Linda University Co-executive Director, EXSEED
EXSEED: Excellence in STEM Experiential Education
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 11:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 5:00
Americas (EDT) 23:00
Paul Dybdahl, PhD, MDiv
Professor of Mission and New Testament, Walla Walla University
Effective Communication Across Cultural Barriers
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 9:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 3:00
Americas (EDT) 21:00
Track Number | Speaker | Seminar Title Times by Region |
Opening Ceremonies (Main Stage) | ||
Education RT1 | John Wesley Taylor, EdD, PhD – Moderator Associate Director of Education, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Panelists: Gamaliel Flórez, DMin Sadrail Saint-Ulysse, PhD, MDiv Almir Marroni, Ben Thomas, MBA Richard Sabuin, PhD Lawrence Domingo, EdD David McClintock, PhD | How to Afford and Adventist Education Education Leaders Round Table Asia-Pacific (HKT) 19:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 13:00 Americas (EDT) 7:00 |
Education 1.01 | Prema Gaikwad, PhD Professor of Education, Department of Education Graduate School of Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies | Strategies for Engaging Learners in an Online Class Asia-Pacific (HKT) 20:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 14:00 Americas (EDT) 8:00 |
Education 1.02 | Arceli Rosario, PhD Professor Graduate School, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies | Balancing Work, Study, and Parenting Asia-Pacific (HKT) 21:00 uro-Africa (CEST) 15:00 Americas (EDT) 9:00 |
Education 1.03 | Oliver Glanz, MTh, PhD Associate Professor of Old Testament at the SDA Theological Seminary at Andrews University | Assessing Modern Graduate Education through the Lens of Ancient Textbooks Asia-Pacific (HKT) 22:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 16:00 Americas (EDT) 10:00 |
Education 1.04 | LaRonda Forsey MS Principal of Griggs International Academy, Associate Dean, School of Distance Education & International Partnerships | Online Learning with Griggs International Academy Asia-Pacific (HKT) 23:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 17:00 Americas (EDT) 11:00 |
Opening Ceremonies (Main Stage) | ||
Education RT2 | Ella Smith Simmons, EdD – Moderator General Vice-President, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Panelists: Ginger Ketting-Weller, PhD Noemí Durán Royo, PhD Eustace Penniecook-Sawyer, MD Mueni Lorraine Mutinga, DDS Nzisa L. Mutinga, MD, MS, RN | Encouraging and Supporting Girls and Women in STEM Studies and Careers Education Leaders Round Table Asia-Pacific (HKT) 1:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 19:00 Americas (EDT) 13:00 |
Education 1.05 | Carlos Biaggi, PhD Dean of the Faculty of Business at Middle East University | Personal & Family Finances in Pandemic Times Asia-Pacific (HKT) 2:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 20:00 Americas (EDT) 14:00 |
Education 1.06 | Ben Clausen, PhD Geoscience Research Institute Staff | Sharing: What We Have to Offer the Scientific Community Asia-Pacific (HKT) 3:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 21:00 Americas (EDT) 15:00 |
Education 1.07 | Raul Esperante, PhD Geoscience Research Institute Staff | ¿Puede un científico ser Cristiano? (Can a scientist be a Christian?) Asia-Pacific (HKT) 4:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 22:00 Americas (EDT) 16:00 |
Education 1.08 | Desrene Vernon-Brebnor, PhD Higher Education Faculty, Andrews University | Teaching and Learning in a Pandemic: Lessons from a Pencil Asia-Pacific (HKT) 5:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 23:00 Americas (EDT) 17:00 |
Opening Ceremonies (Main Stage) | ||
Education RT3 | Lisa Beardsley-Hardy, PhD, MPH, MBA – Moderator Director of Education, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Glynis Bradfield, PhD Safary Wa-Mbaleka, EdD, Phd Leni Casimiro, PhD | How to be an “A” Student Online Education Leaders Round Table Asia-Pacific (HKT) 7:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 1:00 Americas (EDT) 19:00 |
Education 1.09 | Mary-Catherin Freier Randall, PhD Professor, Pediatrics, School of Medicine Professor, School of Public Health | Child Mental Health and the Pandemic Asia-Pacific (HKT) 8:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 2:00 Americas (EDT) 20:00 |
Education 1.10 | Paul Dybdahl, PhD, MDiv Professor of Mission and New Testament, Walla Walla University | Effective Communication Across Cultural Barriers Asia-Pacific (HKT) 9:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 3:00 Americas (EDT) 21:00 |
Education 1.11 | Cornelia Scribner Curriculum and Instruction Graduate Student, Andrews University | Addressing Major Learning Gaps in Minorities and Economically Disadvantaged Students Asia-Pacific (HKT) 10:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 4:00 Americas (EDT) 22:00 |
Education 1.12 | Marilyn Eggers, PhD Associate Provost, Loma Linda University Co-executive Director, EXSEED | EXSEED: Excellence in STEM Experiential Education Asia-Pacific (HKT) 11:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 5:00 Americas (EDT) 23:00 |
Thursday, May 20, 2021
Galina Stele, DMin
Research and Evaluation Manager, ASTR
Surveys Conducted by the Adventist Church
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 13:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 7:00
Americas (EDT) 1:00
Samuel Gaikwad, PhD
Professor of Curriculum and Instruction, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies
Teaching Online the Adventist Way
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 14:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 8:00
Americas (EDT) 2:00
Arceli Rosario, PhD
Assistant Professor, Education,
Academy Principal, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies
School Leadership at a Time of Crisis
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 15:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 9:00
Americas (EDT) 3:00
Gracel Ann Saban, PhD
Professor Graduate School,
Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies
Unity in Diversity
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 17:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 11:00
Americas (EDT) 5:00
Lucinda Spencer, MD
Biology Professor, Southern Adventist University.
Creation, Evolution and End Time Prophecy: Connecting the Dots
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 21:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 15:00
Americas (EDT) 9:00
Dragoslava Santrac, PhD
Managing Editor, Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists
Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 23:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 17:00
Americas (EDT) 11:00
Track Number | Speaker | Seminar Title Times by Region |
Keynote Presentation (Main Stage) | ||
Education 1.13 | Galina Stele, DMin Research and Evaluation Manager, ASTR | Surveys Conducted by the Adventist Church Asia-Pacific (HKT) 13:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 7:00 Americas (EDT) 1:00 |
Education 1.14 | Samuel Gaikwad, PhD Professor of Curriculum and Instruction, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies | Teaching Online the Adventist Way Asia-Pacific (HKT) 14:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 8:00 Americas (EDT) 2:00 |
Education 1.15 | Arceli Rosario, PhD Assistant Professor, Education, Academy Principal, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies | School Leadership at a Time of Crisis Asia-Pacific (HKT) 15:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 9:00 Americas (EDT) 3:00 |
Education 1.16 | Richard Sabuin, PhD Director of Education and Sabbath School and Personal Ministries, NSD | Adventist Education Reaching the World Asia-Pacific (HKT) 16:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 10:00 Americas (EDT) 4:00 |
Education 1.17 | Gracel Ann Saban, PhD Professor Graduate School, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies | Unity in Diversity Asia-Pacific (HKT) 17:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 11:00 Americas (EDT) 5:00 |
Global Prayer Time | ||
Keynote Presentation (Main Stage) | ||
Education 1.18 | Hudson Kibuuka, DEd Associate Director Education, General Conference, Editor, College and University Dialogue | Getting to Know AMICUS Asia-Pacific (HKT) 20:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 14:00 Americas (EDT) 8:00 |
Education 1.19 | Lucinda Spencer, MD Biology Professor, Southern Adventist University. | Creation, Evolution and End Time Prophecy: Connecting the Dots Asia-Pacific (HKT) 21:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 15:00 Americas (EDT) 9:00 |
Education 1. | Elizabeth Henry, MA Digital Records Manager, ASTR Ashlee Chism, MSI Research Center Manager, ASTR | Going Paperless Asia-Pacific (HKT) 22:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 16:00 Americas (EDT) 10:00 |
Education 1.20 | Dragoslava Santrac, PhD Managing Editor, Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists | Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists Asia-Pacific (HKT) 23:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 17:00 Americas (EDT) 11:00 |
Education 1.22 | Raul Esperante, PhD Geoscience Research Institute Staff | Argumentos que los creacionistas no deberían usar (Arguments creationists should not use) Asia-Pacific (HKT) 1:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 19:00 Americas (EDT) 13:00 |
Education 1.23 | Marius Munteranu, PhD Director of Education Inter-European Division of Seventh-day Adventists | Adventist Education Reaching the World Asia-Pacific (HKT) 2:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 20:00 Americas (EDT) 14:00 |
Education 1.24 | Desrene Vernon-Brebnor, PhD Higher Education Faculty, Andrews University | Teaching and Learning in a Pandemic: Lessons from a Pencil Asia-Pacific (HKT) 3:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 21:00 Americas (EDT) 15:00 |
Education 1.25 | Janine Lim, PhD Associate Dean Online Higher Education, School of Distance Education, Andrews University | Top Ten Strategies For Establishing Teacher-Student Connection in Remote and Online Courses Asia-Pacific (HKT) 4:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 22:00 Americas (EDT) 16:00 |
Education 1.26 | N/A | Asia-Pacific (HKT) 5:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 23:00 Americas (EDT) 17:00 |
Education 1.28 | Gamaliel Florez, PhD Director of Education, Inter-America Division of Seventh-day Adventists | Adventist Education Reaching the World Asia-Pacific (HKT) 8:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 2:00 Americas (EDT) 20:00 |
Education 1.29 | Roy Kline, MHA Assistant Director, ASTR | Records Management Asia-Pacific (HKT) 9:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 3:00 Americas (EDT) 21:00 |
Education 1.30 | Martha Ban, MS Associate Director Education, NAD Office of Education | Data Collection to inform Education Asia-Pacific (HKT) 10:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 4:00 Americas (EDT) 22:00 |
Education 1.31 | Aimee Leukert, PhD Associate Director for the Center for Research on K-12 Adventist Education | Haystacks, Vespers and Adventist Education Asia-Pacific (HKT) 11:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 5:00 Americas (EDT) 23:00 |
Friday, May 21, 2021
Richard A. Sabuin, PhD
Director of Education and Sabbath School and Personal Ministries, NSD
Jordan River Model for Adventist Schools
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 13:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 7:00
Americas (EDT) 1:00
Glynis Bradfield, PhD
Director, Distance Student Services & Prior Learning, Associate Professor Curriculum, Director Dual Enrollment, Andrews University Director, and
A Case Study of Faith Integration at Andrews University: Preliminary Findings
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 14:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 8:00
Americas (EDT) 2:00
Faith-Ann McGarrell, PhD
Editor, The Journal of Adventist Education
Protecting Students Online
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 15:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 9:00
Americas (EDT) 3:00
Alexey Popov, PhD
Geoscience Research Institute Staff
Происхождение Вселенной: случайность или разумный замысел?
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 16:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 10:00
Americas (EDT) 4:00
John Wesley Taylor, PhD, EdD
Associate Director Education,
General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Built on a Firm Foundation: The Philosophy of Adventist Education
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 17:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 11:00
Americas (EDT) 5:00
Luciano Gonzalez Olivares, PhD
Geoscience Research Institute Staff
Español-Entropía y fin del universo, ¿Hay lugar para la fe? (Entropy and the end of the Universe, is there a place for faith?)
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 22:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 16:00
Americas (EDT) 10:00
Mitchell Menzmer, PhD
Professor, Southern Adventist University
Evidence vs Proof in Creation
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 4:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 22:00
Americas (EDT) 16:00
Track Number | Speaker | Seminar Title Times by Region |
Education 1.32 | Richard A. Sabuin, PhD Director of Education and Sabbath School and Personal Ministries, NSD | Jordan River Model for Adventist Schools Asia-Pacific (HKT) 13:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 7:00 Americas (EDT) 1:00 |
Education 1.33 | Glynis Bradfield, PhD Director, Distance Student Services & Prior Learning, Associate Professor Curriculum, Director Dual Enrollment, Andrews University Director, and | A Case Study of Faith Integration at Andrews University: Preliminary Findings Asia-Pacific (HKT) 14:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 8:00 Americas (EDT) 2:00 |
Education 1.34 | Faith-Ann McGarrell, PhD Editor, The Journal of Adventist Education | Protecting Students Online Asia-Pacific (HKT) 15:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 9:00 Americas (EDT) 3:00 |
Education 1.35 | Alexey Popov, PhD Geoscience Research Institute Staff | Происхождение Вселенной: случайность или разумный замысел? Asia-Pacific (HKT) 16:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 10:00 Americas (EDT) 4:00 |
Education 1.36 | John Wesley Taylor, PhD, EdD Associate Director Education, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists | Built on a Firm Foundation: The Philosophy of Adventist Education Asia-Pacific (HKT) 17:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 11:00 Americas (EDT) 5:00 |
Global Prayer Time (Main Stage) | ||
Vespers Asia-Pacific (Main Stage) | ||
Keynote Presentation (Main Stage) | ||
Education 1.37 | Ivan Riapolov, Director of Education, Euro-Asia Division of Seventh-day Adventists | Adventist Education Reaching the World Asia-Pacific (HKT) 21:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 15:00 Americas (EDT) 9:00 |
Education 1.38 | Luciano Gonzalez Olivares, PhD Geoscience Research Institute Staff | Español-Entropía y fin del universo, ¿Hay lugar para la fe? (Entropy and the end of the Universe, is there a place for faith?) Asia-Pacific (HKT) 22:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 16:00 Americas (EDT) 10:00 |
Education 1.39 | Andrew Mutero, PhD Director of Education, East Central Africa Division of Seventh-day Adventists | Adventist Education Reaching the World Asia-Pacific (HKT) 23:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 17:00 Americas (EDT) 11:00 |
Vespers Euro-Africa (Main Stage) | ||
Vespers Speaker (Main Stage) | ||
Education 1.40 | Julian Melgosa, PhD Associate Director, Education, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists | Mental Health in Schools Asia-Pacific (HKT) 2:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 20:00 Americas (EDT) 14:00 |
Education 1.41 | LaRonda Forsey MS Principal of Griggs International Academy, Associate Dean, School of Distance Education & International Partnerships | Online Learning with Griggs International Academy Asia-Pacific (HKT) 3:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 21:00 Americas (EDT) 15:00 |
Education 1.42 | Mitchell Menzmer, PhD Professor, Southern Adventist University | Evidence vs Proof in Creation Asia-Pacific (HKT) 4:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 22:00 Americas (EDT) 16:00 |
Education 1.43 | Faith-Ann McGarrell, PhD Editor, The Journal of Adventist Education | Protecting Students Online Asia-Pacific (HKT) 5:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 23:00 Americas (EDT) 17:00 |
Education 1.44 | Errol Bryce, MD Internal Medicine, Assistant Professor of Medicine, TCU/ UNT Medical School | Oxytocin – Unleash Christ’s Method Asia-Pacific (HKT) 6:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 24:00 Americas (EDT) 18:00 |
Saturday, May 22, 2021
Julia Kim Eun-Young, PhD
Professor of English, Andrews University
Understanding the Philosophy of Education of Ellen G. White and John Dewey through a Quantitative Method
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 13:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 7:00
Americas (EDT) 1:00
Mitchell Menzmer, PhD
Professor of Chemistry at Southern Adventist University
Evidence vs. Proof in Creation
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 14:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 8:00
Americas (EDT) 2:00
Duane Covrig, PhD
Professor of Leadership and Ethics, Andrews University
with Nadia Noseworthy, Stanley Patterson
Developing Christian Virtues and Character
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 19:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 13:00
Americas (EDT) 7:00
Timothy Standish, PhD
Geoscience Research Institute Staff
Celebrating Creation Sabbath: A how to guide
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 20:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 14:00
Americas (EDT) 8:00
Anthony Bosman PhD
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Andrew von Maur, MA
School of Architecture and Interior Design
Rodney Palmer, DMin
Assistant Professor of Religion
Andrews University
School of the Prophets: Cultivating Faith in University Students
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 1:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 19:00
Americas (EDT) 13:00
Hope Channel International
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 2:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 20:00
Americas (EDT) 14:00
Wayne Jamel, MDiv
Greater New York Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Creator, Daniel Dreamgazer Comic Book Series
How to Reach Youth Through Visual Storytelling
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 3:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 21:00
Americas (EDT) 15:00
Ismael Castillo, EdD
President Montemorelos University
Teachers Needed
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 4:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 22:00
Americas (EDT) 16:00
Ekel Collins. MS
Student Affairs Vice President at Montemorelos University
Add for a New World; More Professional Missionaries for Jesus.
Asia-Pacific (HKT) 7:00
Euro-Africa (CEST) 1:00
Americas (EDT) 19:00
Track Number | Speaker | Seminar Title Times by Region |
Education 1.45 | Julia Kim Eun-Young, PhD Professor of English, Andrews University | Understanding the Philosophy of Education of Ellen G. White and John Dewey through a Quantitative Method Asia-Pacific (HKT) 13:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 7:00 Americas (EDT) 1:00 |
Education 1.46 | Mitchell Menzmer, PhD Professor of Chemistry at Southern Adventist University | Evidence vs. Proof in Creation Asia-Pacific (HKT) 14:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 8:00 Americas (EDT) 2:00 |
Education 1.47 | Janet Ledesma, PhD Associate Dean in the College of Education and International Services, Educational Leadership Coordinator, and full Professor in the SED | Training Virtues and Ethics in the Professions Asia-Pacific (HKT) 15:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 9:00 Americas (EDT) 3:00 |
Education 1.48 | Duane Covrig, PhD Professor of Leadership and Ethics, Andrews University with Nadia Noseworthy, Stanley Patterson | Developing Christian Virtues and Character Asia-Pacific (HKT) 19:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 13:00 Americas (EDT) 7:00 |
Education 1.49 | Timothy Standish, PhD Geoscience Research Institute Staff | Celebrating Creation Sabbath: A how to guide Asia-Pacific (HKT) 20:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 14:00 Americas (EDT) 8:00 |
Education 1.50 | Keith Snyder, PhD Chair of Biology, Southern Adventist University | Can Dinosaur Bones Help Explain the Flood? Asia-Pacific (HKT) 21:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 15:00 Americas (EDT) 9:00 |
Education 1.51 | Anthony Bosman PhD Assistant Professor of Mathematics Andrew von Maur, MA School of Architecture and Interior Design Rodney Palmer, DMin Assistant Professor of Religion Andrews University | School of the Prophets: Cultivating Faith in University Students Asia-Pacific (HKT) 1:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 19:00 Americas (EDT) 13:00 |
Education 1.52 | TBD Hope Channel International | Heroes Asia-Pacific (HKT) 2:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 20:00 Americas (EDT) 14:00 |
Education 1.53 | Wayne Jamel, MDiv Greater New York Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Creator, Daniel Dreamgazer Comic Book Series | How to Reach Youth Through Visual Storytelling Asia-Pacific (HKT) 3:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 21:00 Americas (EDT) 15:00 |
Education 1.54 | Ismael Castillo, EdD President Montemorelos University | Teachers Needed Asia-Pacific (HKT) 4:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 22:00 Americas (EDT) 16:00 |
Education 1.55 | Ekel Collins. MS Student Affairs Vice President at Montemorelos University | Add for a New World; More Professional Missionaries for Jesus. Asia-Pacific (HKT) 7:00 Euro-Africa (CEST) 1:00 Americas (EDT) 19:00 |