Research & Resources to explore and support the unique experiences of Pastors and their families from the Virtual Exhibition Experience during the 61st GC Session, June 6-11, 2022.
We are Paid to Hide the Pain: Lessons Learned from Pastor Stress Studies in North America
We are Paid to Hide the Pain: Lessons Learned from Pastor Stress Studies in North America. Institute of Church Ministry.
What Can and Must be Done to Save the Health of Pastors Report
A Garland and a Chain: The Persistent Influence of Family Religious Environment on Adult Adventist Church Members Raised in the Church.
A Garland and a Chain: The Persistent Influence of Family Religious Environment on Adult Adventist Church Members Raised in the Church, Andrews University.
The Pains and Gains of Pastors’ Kids: An Embedded Correlational Study
The Gains and Pains of Pastors’ Kids: An Embedded Correlational Study on Positive Self-Concept and Stereotypes, Adventist University of the Philippines.