GC Session Virtual Exhibition Posters: Education, June 6-11, 2022

A collection of all Education posters from the Virtual Exhibition Experience during the 61st GC Session!

Foundations of Adventist Education

Teaching & Learning Methods

Teacher Education

How Does College Students’ Level of ACEs, PBA, and Parental Care Predict (the outcome of) Academic Self Efficacy and Apathy? Andrews University.


The Role of Mental Toughness Between COVID-19 Related Anxiety and Thriving Quotient of College Students. Adventist University of the Philippines


ConicAR: Development of an augmented reality application for exploration of conic sections. Universidad de Montemorelos


Children, Adolescents, Young Adults, and Their Health and Wellbeing

Exploring Intrinsic Religiosity as a Means to Militate Against Risky Sexual Behavior in Adolescents from Christian Faith-based Schools. Helderberg College of Higher Education.


Exploring the Relationship Between Baking, Resilience, and Psychological Wellbeing. Andrews University. Andrews University


Students’ Perception of the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on their Education Environment at Andrews University. Andrews University


The Gains and Pains of Pastors’ Kids: An Embedded Correlational Study on Positive Self-Concept and Stereotypes. Adventist University of the Philippines.


Investigating Factors Associated WIth Declining Attendance to School-based Programs (Work-line and Worship) Amongst Second Year Students at Sonoma Adventist College. Sonoma Adventist College.


Spanish Education Posters

Design and Validation of the Scale of Personal Religiosity “Good Teacher” in Teachers at Adventist Educational Institutions in Peru. Universidad Peruvian Union.


Análisis de la intención de retorno del estudiante universitario: Desafíos de la gestión educativa a través de la comparación antes y durante la pandemia. Universidad Peruana Union.


Exploration of the Religious Experience in a Higher Education Institution in the Conceptual Art Exhibition En la Senda del Bien. Universidad de Montemorelos

ConicAR: Desarrollo de una aplicacion de realidad cumentada para la exploracion de secciones conicas. Universidad de Montemorelos


Modelos de asociacian entre los factores internos y externos del tecnoestras en maestros de educacian primaria. Universidad de Montemorelos


Participation in Educational Model and Entrepreneurship Model, Development of Competencies, Entrepreneurial Performance, and Quality of Life in Graduates and Students of a University Institution. Universidad de Montemorelos


Relación entre autoestima, estilo de vida y espiritualidad-religiosidad de estudiantes de maestría en educación de una Universidad privada Peruana, Lima, 2020. Universidad Privada Peruana


Additional Education Topics