Southern Asian Division of Seventh-day Adventists, Southern Asian Pacific Division of Seventh-day Adventists, & Chinese Union Mission

This page contains presentations from employees of the Southern Asian & Southern Asian Pacific Divisions, and Chinese Union Mission

Ted Wilson, PhD, President General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Glenn Townend, MDiv, President South Pacific Division
Saw Samuel, DMin, President Southern Asia_Pacific Division
Kim SiYoung, DMin, President North-Asia Pacific Region
Ezras Lakra, MA, President Southern Asia Division
Bob Folkenberg, Jr., Dmin, President Chinese Union

Southern Asian Division

Understanding the South Asian World Religions
Umesh Nag, MA 
Associate Director for Center of South Asian Religions and Global Mission director of the Southern Asian Division. 
Cleansing the Sanctuary and Christian Growth
Dr. Samuel Wang, DMiss
Southern Asia-Pacific Division Interfaith Service Director for Chinese, Buddhists and Hindus, DMiss. 
Petronio Genebago, PhD, MPH, MA Candidate in Old Testament, Youth Director of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division Voice of Youth: Empowering the Youth for Evangelism
Petronio Genebago, PhD, MPH, MA Candidate in Old Testament, Youth Director of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division Voice of Youth: Empowering the Youth for Evangelism

Southern Asian Pacific Division

Chinese Union Mission