Leaning into the future and connecting to the world! Learn online teaching & learning strategies to maximize student engagement, faith integration, and eager student participation in the digital learning environment. Discover how to protect students online and learn new teaching ‘best practices’ for the online teacher.
Teaching Online the Adventist Way
Samuel Gaikwad, PhD
Professor of Curriculum and Instruction, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies
Nurturing Faith Through Online Learning Part 1: Planning Faith Integration
By John Wesley Taylor V
Click on the image to the left to read this article
Nurturing Faith Through Online Learning Part 2: Implementing Faith Integration
By John Wesley Taylor V
Click on the image to the left to read this article
Strategies for Engaging Learners in an Online Class
Prema Gaikwad, PhD
Professor of Education, Department of Education Graduate School of Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies
Essentials: Structure and Routine in Online Courses
by Dr. Janine Lim
Click on the image to the left to read this article
How to Conduct an Online Focus Group Discussion
Pavel Zubkov, PhyD
Chair MDiv Program, Assistant Professor of Mission & Applied Theology
Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies
Protecting Students Online
Faith-Ann McGarrell, PhD
Editor, The Journal of Adventist Education
Protecting Student Privacy: Learning From COVID-19
by Annette Melgosa
Click on the image to the left to read this article
Presenters include Dr. Samuel Gaikwad, Dr. Pavel Zubkov, & Dr. Prema Gaikwad – Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, and Dr. Faith-Ann McGarrell – Journal of Adventist Education, Education Department, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
Additional Resources
In Pursuit of Digital Citizens
Teaching Online Scholarly Articles from the Journal of Adventist Education
Adventist Learning Community Resources
Adventist Learning Community
The ALC is a website created by the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists. It houses thousands of continuing education (CE) courses and resources for teachers, pastors, chaplains, administrators, lay-leaders, and faith-seekers.
The ALC requires you to create a FREE account to access content on the site.
Click on the links below to access ALC CE courses & resources on teaching in the online environment.