This page contains presentations by faculty and medical staff from MU.
Ismael Castillo, EdDTeachers NeededPresident Montemorelos University
Ekel Collins. MSAdd for a New World; More Professional Missionaries for Jesus.Student Affairs Vice President at Montemorelos University
Roel Cea, MDWitnessing through health promotion. Español: La testificación por medio de la promoción de la salud Director of Health Promoting University at Montemorelos University
Pedro Gomez, MDVision Institute, helping Jesus.Medical Director of Vision Institute- Hospital La Carlota, -the Montemorelos University Hospital- Ophthalmologist, sub-specialist in retina and cataract
Oscar Castillo, MA, DMin Candidate Faculty member of Music School in Montemorelos University, Choir Director of Montemorelos University.
Lorena Girarte MBA Director of Virtual University in Montemorelos University, and Director of AMICUM, the center of influence of Montemorelos University.
Health Faculty professor, Director of the Public Health postgraduate program, Director of the Healthy Universities Network in Mexico Testifying by the Mexican Healthy Universities network