Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies (AIIAS)

This page contains presentations by AIIAS faculty and staff.

AIIAS Triune God in the Writings of Ellen White, Donny Chrissutianto, PhD
How to Know the Context of Ellen White’s Writings in Adventist Resources, Donny Chrissutianto, PhD AIIAS
How to Conduct and Online Focus Group Discussion,Pavel Zubkov, PhyD AIIAS
Biblical Principles for Cross Cultural Mentoring, AIIAS Cruz Dioi, DMin
Strategies for Engaging Learning in Online Class, AIIAS Prema Gaikwad, PhD
Balancing Work, Studying, and Parenting, AIIAS, Arceli Rosario, PhD
Teaching Online the Adventist Way, AIIAS Samuel Gaikwad, PhD
School Leadership at a Time of Crisis AIIAS Arceli Rosario, PhD
Unity in Diversity, AIIAS Gracel Ann Saban, PhD
Dr. Ginger Ketting-Weller, AIIAS Practical Missiology for Church Members: How you can be a missionary wherever you are
Mission in Pluralistic Societies AIIAS Cristian Dumitrescu, PhD, DMiss, DIS
Reflections on the Ministry in the Ministry of Health and Practice Godwin Aja, DPH
Dealing with Biblical Exegesis: Take Your Bible Reading to the Next Level AIIAS Teofilo Correa, PhD
Remwil Tornalejo, DTheol AIIAS The Biblical Understanding of Sin
The Church, It’s Nature, Mission, & Authority AIIAS Eike Mueller, PhD
Connecting Prepositions in the Greek New Testament AIIAS Dr. Hector Martin, PhD
The Chronology of the Books of Joshua and Judges AIIAS Carlos Mora, ThD
How to Enhance Personal Bible Study With Bible Study Software AIIAS Eike Mueller, PhD